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SCION IP Gateway (SIG)

The SCION IP Gateway SIG enables legacy IP applications to communicate over SCION.


To install the SIG, run:

sudo apt install scion-sig

See Installation for details.

Tutorial: Set up a SIG tunnel between two ASes

The SIG forwards IP packets from the IP network in one SCION AS, across the SCION network, to the SIG in a remote SCION AS that contains the destination IP address. From the IP perspective, the tunnel between two SIGs looks like any other IP link. The SIGs at either end of the tunnel act as IP routers. This tunneling of IP traffic is intended to replace the BGP-based inter-domain IP routing by SCION, without requiring changes to legacy IP hosts and applications.

Each SIG establishes a session to one or multiple remote SIGs. They can use statically configured IP routes or configure the routes dynamically by announcing IP subnets to each other.

In this tutorial, we will create a very basic setup with two SIGs to route between two statically configured private IP networks. We choose the private IP range for AS A and for AS B.


You will need two running SCION ASes. Connectivity between these ASes needs to be working, but it does not otherwise matter how the ASes are set up.

The description below assumes that you’re running the “standard” SCIONLab setup with all of the services and routers running on one separate machine for each of your ASes. We’ll refer to these two ASes as “AS A” and “AS B”, and the hosts running them as “host A” and “host B”, respectively.

Check that you have basic connectivity between your ASes, e.g. by running scion showpaths <other AS> and checking that paths are “alive”. If this is not the case, please go back to troubleshoot connectivity first.

SIG traffic rules

Each SIG requires traffic rules specified in the form of a json configuration file. This configuration specifies IP prefixes that should be forwarded to SIGs in remote ASes.

A skeleton traffic rule configuration file is installed with the scion-sig package in /etc/scion/sig.json. The skeleton file contains one dummy entry with placeholders “<remote_sig_AS>” and “<remote_sig_IPnet>”. The <remote_sig_AS> needs to be replaced with an AS ID in the form 1-ffaa:1:abc and <remote_sig_IPnet> needs to specify IP networks in CIDR notation. Note that multiple remote SIG endpoints can be specified, but in this example we have just one.

On host A, we have the /etc/scion/sig.json traffic rules:

    "ASes": {
        "2-ffaa:0:b": { # put your AS B here
            "Nets": [
    "ConfigVersion": 9001

On host B:

    "ASes": {
        "1-ffaa:0:a": { # put your AS A here
            "Nets": [
    "ConfigVersion": 9001

Fake local IP addresses

To be able to send and receive IP traffic directly on the SIG host itself, the host will need an IP address in its assigned IP subnet. Usually, the SIG will be running on a host with this address on one of its network interfaces. We fake this by adding the relevant address to the loopback interface.

sudo ip address add dev lo  # on host A, on host B

We also configure the SIG to add this address as “source address hint” to its routing table entries. Add a [tunnel] section with an entry src_ipv4 to /etc/scion/sig.toml:

src_ipv4 = ""  # on host A, on host B


Start the SIG systemd service on both hosts, by executing:

sudo systemctl start scion-ip-gateway.service

Running ip link list, you can now see the SIG’s tun device.

Wait a few seconds after starting the SIG, as session establishment is not immediate. In the meantime, you can inspect the status page that the SIG serves on a local diagnostics HTTP endpoint:

curl -sfS localhost:30456/status

Once the session is established, this page shows the current path and routing table information.

Running ip route show, you should now see the routing table entry for the remote IP subnet going over the sig tunnel device.


Now, ping the remote IP address to check the connectivity via the SIGs:

ping  # on host A, on host B

This ping should successfully show echo replies. These IP packets are sent via the sig tun interfaces and are transported over SCION. Inspect the metrics of the SIG and find e.g. the number of the packets transported:

curl -sfS localhost:30456/metrics | grep gateway_ippkts_

We can also run some actual traffic over the SIG tunnel! Run a webserver on host A:

mkdir /tmp/www
echo "Hello World!" > /tmp/www/hello
cd /tmp/www/ && python3 -m http.server --bind

And query the web server running on host A from host B:


You should see the “Hello World!” message as output from the last command.

Wrapping up

We’ve set up statically routed tunnel for legacy IP traffic between two SCION ASes using the SCION-IP-Gateway. We’ve sent some traffic with legacy IP applications and seen that the SIGs tunnel the IP packets from one SIG to another.

What you could do next:

  • Observe the traffic flowing in and out of the SIG tunnel with sudo tcpdump -i sig
  • Add a third SIG, in a third AS, with a third IP subnet
  • Setup an actual network that you want to route with the SIG instead of the faked address on the loopback interface. Enable IP forwarding on the SIG host in order to make it act as an IP router.

Additional References

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